What is Xgraphnetwork?

Xgraph network is a development framework that is decentralized, open-source, and permissionless, which enables anyone to develop applications. Our goal is to create a global network of artificial intelligence agents that can interact with each other to solve complex problems. This project has the potential to democratize access to artificial intelligence and accelerate innovation in this field. Xgraph Network has a focus on big data and aims to facilitate the validation of data integrity through a community consensus. This is particularly important with machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) protocols. unlike blockchains used in many other cryptocurrencies, Xgraph uses a block-lattice structure. Each account has its own blockchain (account-chain) equivalent to the account's transaction/balance history Each account-chain can only be updated by the account's owner; this allows each account-chain to be updated immediately and asynchronously to the rest of the block-lattice, resulting in quick transactions.

The allocation of token supply for the Xgraph currency, with a total maximum token supply of 1,000,000,000, is a crucial aspect that requires careful planning and strategic distribution. A comprehensive breakdown of the distribution plan reveals that 38% of the tokens will be allocated for pre-sale purposes, with the release being spread out gradually over a period of 5 years. This approach not only helps in maintaining a stable market but also ensures that the tokens are released in a controlled manner, thereby preventing any sudden fluctuations in the token's value. Furthermore, 25% of the token supply is earmarked for ecosystem development and will be under the control of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This allocation is essential for fostering the growth and sustainability of the Xgraph ecosystem, as it allows the community to actively participate in decision-making processes related to the development and expansion of the platform. Additionally, 13% of the tokens will be allocated for airdrops, which can be a powerful tool for increasing awareness, attracting new users, and rewarding existing holders. Moreover, 16% of the token supply will be dedicated to liquidity, ensuring that there is sufficient depth and stability in the market for trading activities. This allocation is vital for facilitating smooth and efficient transactions within the Xgraph ecosystem. Furthermore, 3% of the tokens will be allocated to the core team, acknowledging their contributions and incentivizing their continued involvement in the project. Finally, 5% of the tokens will be allocated for development purposes, enabling the team to fund ongoing research, innovation, and improvements to the Xgraph platform. Overall, the meticulous allocation of the token supply for Xgraph currency reflects a well-thought-out strategy aimed at promoting sustainability, growth, and community engagement within the ecosystem.

All About XGRAPH

Price in USD
All-time high-
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24h Volume-
Contract Address0x9046d782B8C088F8368D7e471FEB15081bBAB760
ETH Address0x9046d782B8C088F8368D7e471FEB15081bBAB760
BSC Address-



No trading data

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XGRAPH Price Chart

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XGRAPH Breakdown


  • Categories

    Artificial Intelligence

  • Asset Type


  • Proof


  • Hash


  • Total Transfers


  • Holders


  • Mineable


  • Premined


  • Inflation

  • Jurisdiction


  • Hard Cap


  • ICO Price (USD)


  • ICO Price (ETH)


  • ICO Price (BTC)


  • ICO Start Date


  • ICO End Date


  • Total USD Raised
