XTB Price

What is XTapBit?

Xtapbit is likely a new cryptocurrency token that utilizes blockchain technology to facilitate secure, transparent, and efficient transactions. The token's name suggests it may be related to "tap" or "access" (XTap), and "bit" (a unit of digital information). Here's a hypothetical overview: - Xtapbit (XTB) is a decentralized digital asset designed for various use cases, such as: - Payments and transactions - Decentralized finance (DeFi) applications - Gaming and virtual worlds - Social media and content creation - XTB utilizes a consensus algorithm (e.g., proof-of-stake, proof-of-work) to secure its network and validate transactions. - The token may have a fixed total supply, with a portion allocated for initial distribution, marketing, and development. - Xtapbit aims to provide a fast, secure, and low-cost transaction experience, leveraging advanced blockchain technology.

All About XTB

Price in USD
All-time high-
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24h Volume-
Contract AddressEQAZOL85mdcfB2GPPzBaox3i7dmZVFwomv0_pj_OE1gxMh7y
ETH Address-
BSC Address-



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590.001 B

XTB Price Chart

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About XTB

  • Categories


    Social Media

  • Asset Type


  • Proof


  • Hash


  • Total Transfers


  • Holders


  • Mineable


  • Premined


  • Inflation

  • Jurisdiction


  • Hard Cap


  • ICO Price (USD)


  • ICO Price (ETH)


  • ICO Price (BTC)


  • ICO Start Date


  • ICO End Date


  • Total USD Raised
