Market Pairs
Pair | Price | 24h Volume | Liquidity ±2% | Market Depth | Market Info |
$0.0620700.06200000 | $2.90 K 83.88% | $2.34 K 100% | $2.342 K No asks within 2% | trade now | |
$0.0160180.01600000 | $2.81 K OUTLIER | $0.00 OUTLIER | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.0048610.0₇5 | $415.00 11.97% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.0024390.0₆720000 | $144.00 4.15% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now |
24h Trade Volume