Market Pairs
Pair | Price | 24h Volume | Liquidity ±2% | Market Depth | Market Info |
$5.121,140.00 | $3.00 37.5% | $38.77 50.52% | No bids within 2% $38.772 | trade now | |
$0.23798053.00 | $0.00 0% | $35.95 46.85% | No bids within 2% $35.959 | trade now | |
$0.0044900.00450000 | $0.00 0% | $2.02 2.63% | $2.020 No asks within 2% | trade now | |
$0.0003140.07000000 | $4.00 50% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.0049920.03090000 | $1.00 12.5% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now |
24h Trade Volume