Market Pairs
Pair | Price | 24h Volume | Liquidity ±2% | Market Depth | Market Info |
$0.1682690.16819000 | $535.24 K 0.02% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.2268070.22670000 | $3.12 M 0.1% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$1.071.07 | $78.65 M 2.44% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.1630770.16300000 | $148.20 M OUTLIER | $0.00 OUTLIER | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.0295440.02953000 | $41.16 K OUTLIER | $0.00 OUTLIER | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.0088940.00889000 | $7.56 M OUTLIER | $0.00 OUTLIER | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.2160620.21596000 | $3.26 M 0.1% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.0051620.00516000 | $1.81 M 0.06% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$0.0₆2253260.0₆22522 | $4.79 M 0.15% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now | |
$1.971.97 | $3.97 M 0.12% | $0.00 0% | No orders within 2% of price | trade now |
24h Trade Volume